Let's hear it


I'd make the scene, you'll roll&enjoy the film. I'll make your day, but make mine first! Life's unfair. But let's just pretend it was fair and smile!;D

Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Maaf jarang ngepost lagi hehe bingung mau ngepost apa. Kalo niat&banyak ide ajadeh hehe. See ya ;) Contact me by following @dianprbngrm ;)

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


aaa misschaguys:* maaf jarang ngepost akhirakhir ini. egila masa visitors gue error-_- bodobodo. tp tetep aja kesel anjer. tewe ah-_- bye

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


WHEN YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH A GIRL, YOU'LL DO EVERYTHING FOR HER, YOU'LL FALL FOR HER. BUT WHEN YOU ALREADY REACH HER HEART, YOU'LL THINK SHE'S AN EASY GAME TO PLAY. BUT IN THE END, YOU'LL GONNA FACE THIS..... SHE'LL STARE AT YOUR EYES, PRETENDING THAT SHE'S OKAY AND WAITING FOR YOUR ANSWER, WONDERING WHEN WILL YOU HUG HER. FIVE MINUTES LATER, SHE'LL LOWERED HER HEAD AND THE FIRST TEAR FALL TO HER CHEEK. SHE'LL SAYS ITS OVER..... AND WHEN YOU LOST HER, YOU FEEL.... STUPID. YOU'LL REGRET IT AND YOU'LL WISH YOU CAN REWIND THE TIME, BUT YOU CAN'T. so... boys, don't you ever hurt your girlfriend feelings. don't you ever forget to reply her messages. don't you ever let one tears coming from her eyes. hug her, kiss her, and let her sleep on your shoulder. hold her hands, buy her gifts, ask her for a dinner, show her your love, kiss her cheek, protect her, and make her sure you won't leave her. 

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Seven Things

HEY ;* confused with the title "Seven Things"? GOOD. So I can tell you HAHAmuah:*
So, let's just begin.
I wrote "SevenThings" as a title in this post is because I'm gonna tell you why are plato is sooo important&special  for me.
1. They teach me how to love a real family
2. They're my mood buster
3. They make me realize how special are this world

4. They teach me to laugh in the right way
5. They're always there for me when I need them the most
6. They'll smile for me
7. They makes me happy, everyday
I love them
I need them
I don't wanna loose them

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


Hey guys, I miss you all :[ awyeah, pengen ceritaaaa :'( gue..... putus! cm grgr gue pengen dia bebas coba. begogaak?iya. gue bingung knpsih gue aneh bgt. padahal masih saling syg. kurang bego apa gue. ah tau ah masih sedih. udahduluyabye. islyprm:'(